I spent my year in Korea standing in front of England class, teaching everything from language, to science, to music.
[really, I shared the same desire as the students to just get in the playground and play dodge ball everyday!]

It was amazing to watch these little guys learn and grow over the months. They arrived at ECC in March, never having been away from Mom, never speaking or hearing English, and never seeing so many foreigners with light hair and colored eyes.
When I started teaching this class, very few students spoke, most just stared at me with big blinking eyes. By the time of my leaving in June, they never STOPPED talking, all played together, and could speak with good pronunciation and structure. *amazing!* Kids can learn so quickly. I studied Korean on and off for a year and have yet to reach an equivalent level of my students second language.

On my last day, we all said goodbye with a choco-pie cake, hand crafted by Minnie!
I will miss my partner, Minnie Teacher sooo~o much!!! She helped me with everything during my year at ECC. When I first arrived and had no clue what was going on, I could always rely on her expertise. We were always working together to help our students, and conquer those class clowns and disruptive behavior. Even outside of ECC Minnie shared her knowledge with me about Busan, boys, and hot-spots in Seoul! I really miss our daily chats and working together with Min Ji!!!
Jessican teacher:),
ReplyDeleteYou did good job, always!
U were so perfect teacher.
We are still missing you and love u so much!
Especially I am missing ur big smile in our classroom:(